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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11pm  CBS  January 27, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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now her -- a raiderette spoke up. now her fellow cheerleaders lash out next. ,, i want you to know stuff i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. to speak my language. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. quiero que me hagas sentir segura. i want you to be awesome. that's the doctor i want. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive.
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this is kpix5 news. >> want to get right to some breaking news in oakland right now. we just got word a man was shot multiple times in a parking lot of a walgreen's on high street just west of macarthur freeway in east oakland about 30 minutes ago. paramedics loaded him into an ambulance and rushed him to the hospital. we are told he is in stable condition now. so far authorities have not identified any suspects. >> also tonight some raiderettes are fighting one of their own who is suing the team. one retired cheerleader tells andria borba leave us out of it. >> reporter: retired raiderettes are breaking formation and crying foul at a lawsuit claiming the oakland raiders paid below minimum wage. the suit was filed last week in alameda county superior court
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by lacey t., a married stay at home mom and former raiderette. >> we're only hearing one little fish in the sea. >> reporter: lorraine lee was a raiderette from 2000 to 2006 and said lacey t. claims the raiders only paid them $1,200 for the whole season was just base pay and doesn't take into account promotional events and calendar sales that netted dancers more cash. she says the base pay doesn't factor in free trips to hawaii, japan and mexico. what's more, lorene says the low pay claim for the raiderettes is simply untrue. >> actually we were the highest paid out of all the nfl girls even above dallas cheerleaders the time that i cheered. >> reporter: lorene tells kpix5 she and fellow cheerleaders are most upset they're being lumped in with the vendetta. >> if she wanted to sue them, she should have represented herself and not involve any of us. >> reporter: lorene says the sixth season she spent cheering for the raiders including their
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super bowl season were among the greatest years of her life and that many other former nfl cheerleaders feel the same way. >> out of all of the cheerleaders in the nfl, which are many, if there were people who are really, really this dissatisfied, you would have been hearing about lawsuits a long time ago. >> reporter: andria borba, kpix5. >> lorene says she has not been asked to join the class action lawsuit and she has never met the cheerleader behind it. as for the raiders, they're not commenting. you don't usually see this in the bay area, a raging bull, a real one on the loose. it even blocked traffic for a time. that bull finally corralled in santa rosa, but joe vazquez shows us it wasn't easy. al a raging bull neil nicholson / rincon valy fi close . he >> he saw me coming and put it his head down and came right at us. >> reporter: for more than an hour this afternoon some santa rosa firefighters turned cowboy to try and corral a raging bull. side of the road. not in the road, but . ying his polite wa >> we obviously got too close to it. he charged us. we decided to stay back. >> reporter: the bull's owner
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tells authorities the animal escaped around 3 a.m. from its ranch 3 miles away near the casino. he had been wandering around all day, at one point this afternoon on rush hour traffic on highway 101. nobody got hurt. the chp shut down the highway until they could shoo him off. he took the exit and ended up on todd road. >> he was kind of like a jogger running down the side of the road, not in the road. >> reporter: some construction workers got involved, then some rincon valley firefighters. the chase was on. they steered the bull into a field behind the firehouse. >> we got limb back in that area there -- him back in that area there away from all the people. he made another charge at the owners and knocked one down. >> reporter: a firefighter shot this video of the ranchers whirling a lasso. they eventually got the rope around the bull, but he never would calm down. around 6:00 he charged a ranch hand knocking him down. an animal control officer fired his .22 rifle three times.
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the bull was dead. >> in the state he was in, he was obviously. if he did get out, he was going to hurt someone probably. >> reporter: the owner gave his permission for authorities to put the bull down. they loaded him up in a truck and took him back to the ranch. joe vazquez, kpix5. >> been at the station a long time. this is the first time i've ever heard of a bull on the loose in the bay area. a san francisco firefighter is suing the department for defamation after the asiana airlines crass. she claims the police falsely identified her to the media as running over ramon wong. she's the girl who survived the crash only to be struck and killed by the fire truck. duckett said the fire truck is discriminating against her because she is african american and a lesbian. uber is facing a wrongful death lawsuit over this new year's eve crash that killed a 6-year-old san francisco girl.
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sophia lu was in a crosswalk at polk and ellis with her mom and brother when an uber ex-driver allegedly hit them. he did not have a passenger on board, but the family says uber is liable because the driver was logged into the uber app waiting for a fare. fare. and si -- the >> it has to be visually located for the driver to see where the passenger is and they must tap on that within several seconds in order to get the ride. that means that they have to be looking at the app itself which distracts them from the roadway. >> uber says it only insures reuber ex-drivers when they have a five. since he didn't have -- uber ex- drivers when they have a fare. since he didn't have one, the company claims it's not liable. after a tragic killing of b.a.r.t. officers, any searches now requiring officers to enter homes require written approval
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by a deputy chief. b.a.r.t. confirms detective michael mayes mistakenly shot his partner. >> mike mayes is a very experienced well trained officer. obviously something did not go the way we wanted it to go. >> detective mayes is a 26 year veteran of law enforcement with b.a.r.t. police the past 14 years. prior to that he spent 12 years with moraga police. he is currently on administrative. police know how a bay area teenager accused of possessing a weapon of mass destruction got the materials for those explosives and kpix5's brian webb says it wasn't that hard. i can't believe it like he's kind of quiet buth surprised." 19-year-old vladislov miftakov, now a pn state engineering st t arrested for a m >> reporter: carlmont high was buzzing monday, the first day back at school since a former classmate was accused of making a weapon of mass destruction. >> a lot of them were like wow, i can't believe it, just kind of quiet but surprised.
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>> reporter: 19-year-old vladislav miftakhov, now a penn state engineering student was first arrested for a marijuana growing operation, but when police searched his apartment, they say they found a suitcase with a bomb and bomb making materials like potassium nitrate, fuses and containers of compressed air. he lived in this san carlos home with his family for several years. friends and neighbors call him kind, quiet and a little weird. >> he's weird but not he's not weird, weird thing to say but yeah, i don't know. i liked him. >> reporter: pennsylvania police say miftakhov today them he ordered the materials off the internet to blow things up but planned to do it in an open field, not to hurt anyone. >> he was actually genuinely a kind person. i don't think he tried to hurt people. i think he was intrigued with the whole chemistry and all that stuff and it led him down the drain. >> reporter: police in pennsylvania wouldn't provide
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us any details about bombs that might have been detonated in california and san carlos police didn't return my phone calls. we're told miftakhov's parents are now with him in pennsylvania. brian webb, kpix5. >> bail is set now at a half million dollars and he'll be back in court next week. twin brothers from san jose are behind bars for allegedly killing a man at a birthday party. 18-year-old ahn and duc tong are used of stabbing a san jose state student to death. the victim is a 22-year-old named richard phan. police say the victim was trying to break up a fight yesterday. invited to the party but ta >> having identical twins does pose a problem obviously, but again i think that through independent interviews, suspect interviews and then evidence that was gathered at the scene, i think that we're confident that again we have the individuals that were responsible. >> police say the twins were not originally invited to the party but tacked along with a
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friend who was -- tagged along with a friend who was invited. south san francisco police hope someone recognizes the guy in this sketch. he is accused of walking into the girls locker room naked, believed to be in his 40s about 6 feet tall. police say the man exposed himself to a group of high school cheerleaders at south city high while they were changing earlier this month and took off. get ready to shell out more to park in san jose. the city is installing new smart meters that allow drivers to pay with credit cards and smartphones. the $1.3 million cost will double parking rates from 1 to $2 an hour. san jose is one of the cheapest u.s. cities for parking. live look outside now, we've been saying it for months, we need rain. paul, fingers crossed. going to get a little rain? >> fingers crossed for a couple months finally paying off. yes, we're going to get rainfall this week, already rain on the radar tonight, a few sprinkles up in the north bay, mend steen owe county,
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sonoma county early -- mendocino county, sonoma county earlier this evening. that ridge is finally moving out. that big h we've had on your television of night the past four months is finally moving to the south which means storms can now get closer. sprinkles possible tonight, early tomorrow in the north bay. that's not the storm that's coming. the next storm will make it here and everybody will get some rainfall under cloudy skies the next couple days. talk about how much rain and how long it sticks around coming up in about six minutes. we're not the only ones experiencing that weird weather. look at this. lake superior downright steamy, not because of the heat but the cold. it was 21 below 0 there this morning. check this out. the lake water is so much warmer than the air it's actually vaporizing. un san francisco mayor ed lee will be a special guest at the president's state of the union address tomorrow. he'll sit in the first lady's box along with jason collins and openly gay former nba
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player and sanford alum. president obama has been putting the final touches on his speech. the white house tweeted this photo today. the president is expected to highlight immigration reform and minimum wage. we'll have special live coverage of the president's speech on air and online beginning tomorrow night at 6:00. p " it's so radioactive the technology to clean it up doesn't even exist yet. realtor by >> frequent ourselves from radiation, we suited up. >> a rare look inside the crippled fukushima nuclear plant. >> realtor by day, cat lady by night, we tag along on a mission to fix one bay area city's feral cat problem. >> why you need to watch out if you have a $9.84 charge on your credit card.
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the crippled plant is still emitting radiation. seth doane got a rare look insid nearly three years after the fukushima nuclear disaster in japan the crippled plant is still emitting radiation. seth doan got a rare look inside where the clean-up could take decades. to spend a few hours inside. tepco - the comp >> reporter: 3 miles from the plant roads are still closed, radiation levels here soar 100 times higher than normal. once this was the heart of a radioactive no go zone. now it's safe enough to spend a few hours inside. tepco, the company that owns the crippled plant, is still struggling to deal with the disaster. all four reactors are still emitting radiation, but tepco has made some progress. this is what tepco wants us to see, the heart of the decommissioning work taking place here in reactor four.
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following the earthquake and tsunami in 2011 a hydrogen explosion tore off the roof of this reactor. at the time reactor four was not in use, but that explosion send debris and chunks of concrete into this pool where the nuclear fuel was being stored. we were able to watch the delicate and dangerous work of removing some of the 1,500 radioactive fuel rod assemblies. if the rods break, they could release more radioactive gases. they've removed 15% of the fuel from reactor four, but it will be far more difficult to retrieve fuel from three other reactors that melted down. those are so radioactive that the technology to dismantle them does not exist yet. tepco injects hundreds of tons of water daily into the reactors to keep them cool, but groundwater is pouring into the damaged reactors and has to be
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pumped out and stored. they can't build these tanks fast enough. an additional 400 tons of contaminated water needs to be stored every day. that's as much water as the average american household uses in a year. at the end of our tour we were checked for radiation exposure. in four hours i received the equivalent of less than a chest x-ray. >> the clean-up is expected to cost upwards of $100 billion it could take another 40 years. you'll now know when the government is requesting customer information from internet and social media giants like facebook, google and yahoo. a new compromise with the justice departmental hows those major companies to -- department allows those major companies to reveal how often they're ordered to turn over that data, but if you play games like angry birds or use social media apps on your phone, you may be opening the
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door for the nsa to. >> i on you. nsa leaker edward snowden claims so-called leaky apps allow spy agencies access to information like address books, phone logs and location data. we were surprised to learn that one bay area city is overrun with feral cats, hundreds and hundreds of them. kristen ayers tags along with one cat lady's mission to fix the problem. >> reporter: on a dark street in west oakland ellen lynch is doing what she's done most nights more than two decades. >> i trap about three nights a week and sometimes more often. >> reporter: trying to lure a colony of feral cats to safety. >> i drove by on my bike and saw this little kitten and i was like this poor little baby out on the sidewalk over there. >> reporter: the kitten was park of a pack of feral and abandoned cats just off the port of oakland, so kathy buckley called the woman who has no problem describing herself this way. >> i'm a truly crazy cat lady. >> reporter: lynch a real
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estate lady by day traps and feeds oakland's feral cat population by night. >> i'm feeding about 100 cats in oakland. >> reporter: first on her own, then as part of a nonprofit called fix our ferals. the traps have off been abandoned and moved. her goal tonight is to trap them, neuter and release them. it doesn't take long. first she captures this kitten and then a cat. the feline is flustered for now but will be fed and fixed and if possible, put up for adoption. >> i see the cat's spayed, neutered and a safe place to live their lives and get the adoptable ones out. i feel good about it. >> reporter: in oakland kristen ayers, kpix5. >> lynn says about 20% of the cats she traps are tame enough they can be adopted. the poodle puppy that was found on a conveyor belt at a
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san francisco recycling plant is ready to be adopted. jim was found just before christmas and she is now fully recovered. >> lots of people want to take her home. >> the line to take that dog home forms over there. 100 people are waiting. >> now serving 122. lots of other dogs and cats need a home as well. we need some rainfall, a simple request, rain. should not be a hard request in january. we average about 4 inches of rainfall this month. this january, .03 of 1 inch. it's going to change later on this week. we understood a gully washer. we got -- need a gully washer. we got a couple sprinkles it's a start, now a few showers heading towards sacramento. so we're seeing more activity on the radar. it's a sign things are changing, cloudy night at sfo, warmer because of the cloud cover. this time last year snowpack in the sierra, 94%, not bad.
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this year today 12%. that is not just bad. that is horrible. we need things to change and it will. storm no. 1, the first one of the week out there right now, it's a miss, but it's a near miss. we are seeing some snow in the northern sierra toward mount shasta, getting snowfall above 6,000 feet. the big changes, we knew the ridge would be here. we needed it to move. it is moving down to our south. we got cloud cover today, increasing humidity. the next storm that gets here wednesday night the ridge will be farther away which means this time the rain makes it through the bay area. we will get some much needed rainfall. how much? enough to put a dent in the drought? not really. we're talking about 1/4-inch of rainfall, about 1/8-inch for san jose, have to start somewhere. a few sprinkles overnight. tomorrow morning in the north bay. wednesday night is when the rain arrives and showers will
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be around all day thursday into friday morning. highs tomorrow, cloudy day, cooler, mid-60s, mountain view, sunnyvale, san jose, mid-60s pittsburg, antioch, low 60s sausalito and extended forecast, we take cloudy through wednesday. rain gets here wednesday night. thursday we'll have on and off rainfall all day long. rain moves out friday and we're dry for the upcoming weekend. so rain moving in this week. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,[ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek.
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hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] add a u-verse wireless receiver today. ♪
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, pete seeger music world lost a legend tonight. ♪ where have all the flowers gone long time passing ♪ . >> you know the song, folk singer activist pete seeger died. where have all the flowers gone, one of his best known songs, became an anti-war anthem. his family says he died of natural causes. he was 94 years old. this credit card warning has a lot of us checking our bills tonight.
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if you see a charge for $9.84, that's right, $9.84, your card could be in the hands of thieves. the better business bureau has gotten a flurry of calls. the charge is disguised as being from a customer service website and promises a full refund. an investigation into the thief found 230 websites all connected to a handful of individuals in london, india and cypress. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,
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the club ceased operat take a good look, folks. it is a collector's item. this is a stick from the san francisco bulls, the sharks minor league affiliate in the city no more. the club ceased operations in the middle of their second season. the team announced earlier today the bulls who called the cow palace home cited high rent, poor attendance as reasons the team could not continue operations. they lost a reported 2 million last season. sharks fans hope kings go with jonathan quick plays like this in the olympics. the likely starter for team usa was on fire. he made 23 saves.
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watch andre kopitar make it 1-0 kings. that goal was the differencemaker. final seconds. sharks on the doorstep could not get the rubber past quick tonight. the kings end the sharks six game winning streak, san jose shut out by their rivals 1-0. as you know, this is extensive to kpix5. the kings win snap of 15 games. if the playoffs began tonight, it would be sharks versus the kings. what's a lady cardinal highlight without shanay? another double double. sanford remains undefeated in the pac-12, 86-59 and win it over ufc. a 7th round pick b seventh round draft pick by
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the 49ers quarterback b.j. daniels had a strong preseason and cracked the 49ers roster, but san francisco tried to put him on the practice squad and seattle scooped him up. he is going to the super bowl as the third string quarterback for russell wilson. >> he's one of the multiple quarterbacks in the league that i watch and try to take bits and pieces from to help out my game. we're similar in height. everybody compares us in that way. he's his own player and doing very well right now and i'm my own player trying to learn and become better. >> i remember the beginning of the season you were considered a long shot to make the roster and now you're going to the super bowl. can you put that in perspective? >> it's crazy. i haven't really had time to think about it. i was joking around with doug baldwin. this isn't a state championship. it's a lot bigger than that. i'm just blessed. if he makes it, the game is oh, a two-possession game,
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comes off and that will do it. >> oh, my god! >> it went in! >> what have we seen? what have we seen? what have we seen? >> i'll tell you what you've seen. st. joseph's, it's a fourth overtime and el cerrito would regroup and beat the pilots. move over. broadcaster dave lewis is in the house. they came through. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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letterman is next. >> have a great night! ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, grahammy award winner for best classical compendium, david letterman captioning sponsored b


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